Premature Political Ads: Manny Villar

This is an adveritisement showing Senator Manny Villar helping a stranded maltreated OFW. He shouldered the air fare.

But before seeing the video, let me present some estimations.

This is taken from a travel shop online

Which when converted to Philippine Peso is more or less 34,000.

This is taken from a exchange rate converter

That's ONLY the air fare. Not to mention the food and all necessities that the said OFW needs.

When this advertisement is still fresh, it airs how many times a day. Air time costs about 30,000 to 50,000 per 30 secs. Multiplied by the times it aired in a day... You do the math. My point is Sen. Villar could help other OFWs who are stranded and maltreated.

If you want to see his advertisement, click the link below to watch the video.


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