Will Chiz Run For President This 2010?

Francis Joseph "Chiz" Guevara Escudero was born on October 10, 1969 in Manila , Philippines , the middle child of the three children of former Agriculture Secretary Salvador "Sonny" H. Escudero III and educator Evelina B. Guevara. His father was elected in 2007 to the House seat vacated by his son.

Escudero is married to the former Christine Elizabeth R. Flores who is a singer and stage actress. They have two children, fraternal twins, born September 7, 2007.

He is a current member of the Philippine Senate, having been elected in 2007. Escudero had previously served as a member of the Philippine House of Representatives from the First District of Sorsogon, and as the Minority Floor Leader of the 13th Congress of the Philippines on his third and last House term.

Escudero attended the University of the Philippines Integrated School for both his Elementary and Secondary Education, and graduated in 1981 and 1985 respectively. He earned his Bachelor's Degree in Political Science at the University of the Philippines in Diliman, Quezon City in 1988 and Bachelors of Laws at the University of the Philippines College of Law in 1993. He received his Masters in International and Comparative Law at the Georgetown University Law Center in Washington D. C. in 1996.

At the University of the Philippines , Escudero was Secretary General of the Association of Law Students of the Philippines from 1992–1993. He also joined the Alpha Phi Beta Fraternity and was a member of the Alpha Phi Beta Debating Team which was the 1991 U.P. Open Debate Champion. A consistent honor student, he was a member of the Order of the Purple Feather or the U.P. Law Honor Society from 1989–1993.

Escudero's initiation into the political arena and into the art of addressing big crowds began in his teens in the '80s, when he helped organize the local campaigns of his father. Escudero explained: "In 1984, I was part of the postering brigade in my dad's campaign for assemblyman. In 1987, I handled the youth; in 1992, I handled the headquarters and arranged logistics. In 1995, I handled last minute operations, and in 1998, I was finally the candidate!"

He first indicated his inclination towards politics at age of 22 when he expressed interest to run for public office as municipal councilor of Sorsogon City . At age 25, he again indicated an intent to run for the office of the mayor of Sorsogon City. But for both occasions, the family's opinion, especially that of his father's, that he finish his law studies first before beginning a political career, prevailed. In response to the wishes of his family, he finished his Law studies first before entering politics.

So, October 10 is fast approaching and it is the time that Francis Escudero is 40 yrs old and is eligible to run as president. In that time, Chiz said that in his birthday that he will announce if he will run for president this 2010.

The next question is this, if he run, will he won? Leave your opinions and comments.


  1. I hope he runs for the highest position. I watched the ANC Forum on Local Government yesterday and he was very impressive. He was a fast-thinker who gives direct answer to questions thrown at him.

    This bright, young deserves a chance and he deserves our votes. I will gladly support him come 2010.

  2. I agree with you. He's not just a person that knows how to speak his mind, but he also knows how to do the things he is talking about.

  3. Well, just an update, Chiz officially announced already that he won't run for an higher office this 2010 presidential derby.

    I dunno what to say about him, its too early to give any judgment.

    But one thing I am sure. A lot of officials who sit in the legislative have certain messianic complex and we see them as the best to have the highest office in the land. A lot of 'em are young, energetic and patrons of change and progress. But when the time comes they call the executive shots already, they end up becoming disappointments...

    1. hi! you're very right. a lot of officials are like the "messiah".
      very few are just doing their jobs without publicizing :)


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