Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo's 9th and final SONA

“At the end of this speech, I shall step down from this stage but not from the presidency…” Pres. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo said in her final SONA (State of the Nation Address) this afternoon, 27th of July, 2009.

While wearing a purple terno on her final SONA (which is actually her 9th) at the House of Representatives that started and ended with a standing ovation, she addressed to all the citizens of the Philippines that she “never expressed desire” to extend herself beyond her term. Ms. Arroyo stressed that before her term will expire next year, she will fight for the ordinary Filipino and that there is much to do as the president until the last days.

Arroyo also pointed out that a year is a long time and will continue to invest in the economy, the education and the environment. She also added that after this final SONA, contrary to what her critics says, there will be more work and less politics. She pointed out on the first part of her speech that when her father left the presidency, the Philippines was second to Japan; she wanted our Republic to be ready in 20 years for the first world.

She compared it to the past saying that we built more infrastructures, “including those started by others but left unfinished”. She pointed out the Subic-Clark-Tarlac Expressway “prime example” of this where it creates “wealth as the flagship of the Subic-Clark corridor”. She added that we built more international standard airports, upgraded that domestic ones, built seaports and the RORO (Roll-On Roll-Off) system.

Ms. Arroyo added in her SONA that concerning telecommunications, she instructed the Telecommunications Communications to investigate the anomalies specially the dropped calls and the missing load of the cellphone.

She also pointed that if in the past the electronics industry boomed, today we are creating BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) and tourism as “additional engines growth”. She added that “With earnings of $6 billion and employment of 600,000, the BPO phenomenon speaks eloquently of our competitiveness and productivity.” She also boasted that in the last four years, tourism almost doubled and is now a $5 billion industry.

She also boasted her program Pantawid Pamilya which gives cash handouts that give the immediate relief which 700,000 family were beneficiaries. She also pointed out several beneficiaries starting with the 700,000 aborigines and millions of people for the CARP; seven million entrepreneurs for the P165 billion for microfinance and 1,000 for the economic resiliency plan; millions of family by the Pag-IBIG and NHA (National Housing Authority).

She said that because of the reforms, NFA (National Food Authority) rice where it was sold P18.25 even it was sold higher outside P17.50 to P30. She added that an increase P6 from P11 to P17 of the price of the grain of rice when bought from the farmers. She also added that thousands of families benefited from the Botika ng Bayan where prices of the medicines are cut into half.

Ms. Arroyo also take on her critics specially those who accuse her about CHACHA that “The noisiest critics of constitutional reform tirelessly and shamelessly attempted Cha-Cha when they thought they could take advantage of a shift in the form of government. Now that they feel they cannot benefit from it, they oppose it.”

Surely, Arroyo’s critics is united in hoping that this would be her last and final SONA.

Gloria Macapagal Arroyo on her terno purple dress while delivering her 9th and final SONA with Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile and House Speaker Prospero Nograles


  1. Is GMA willing to step down after her term? her Sona doesn't sound that way, she never mentioned it would be her last. Power...very intoxicating no wonder politicians would like to stay as long as they want. God Bless the Philippines.


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