New and Faster Projects For Incoming Election

Upon returning here in Cagayan de Oro from my hometown, I noticed that there is an increase of the total time of my travel. If taking a public utility vehicle (specifically a bus) it only takes about 4 hours, but now, it's about 4 and a half to 5 hours.

The main reason for this delay is mainly because of the "reconstruction" of the roads. Is it because the roads are damaged? Partially yes and partially no.

To be fair in this blog, there are also roads that need to be repaired, but oftentimes, the roads need not to be repaired because only some of its lanes' cements are alright to pass but not that in top condition.

My point is: Why now? Why will you need to repair and reconstruct a road even it can still be used?

Well, to answer the former question: The time is now because the election time is near. Politicians will use this project as an "achievement". They will show us that they really care for us and they will serve us. They put their names in a big tarpaulin which is like saying, "Hey, you have a new road, and I made it faster than the usual. This is my project because I care for you, and with this, elect me again in office."

There is a common face on whose picture is always present in every project. You guess it right! I don't want to name her because I don't want to be sued. ;)

The answer for the latter question is: Politicians have an SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) when they have a project like this one. In the political world, I mean here in our country, 10% of the budget allotted on the new projects are taken by an individual higher ranking politician.

Imagine having a PhP 50M budget for a project, let's say a road. PhP 5M for that goes to the congressman, PhP 500,000 goes to the governor and PhP 50,000 goes to the mayor. See how corrupt these people are. Then they brag about their so called "accomplishments". First of all, they must not brag about it because the money came from the people. Second, they benefit from it financially compared to what they spend in "helping" those who are in need. For example, they help their constituents in their daily lives (ex. foods, burials and medicines) came from their "personal income".

Sometimes they are right. Our roads need to be repaired because of the damages. Well, if I'm a road, I won't be surprised when my lifespan would be just up to one year. I'm just made up of second hand and low quality materials.


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