Politics and Government

Politics nowadays is parallel with the term government. Is it true? Is the word politics really parallel with the word government?
Before anything else, let us first know what politics is in its rawest form. The word politics when traced to its root came from the Greek word "polis" or translated as city or state; "politikos"describes anything that concerns about the city or state. A democratic government is the most common type of government of the different states (country) in the world. It came from the "demos" and "kratos". Where the former means common people; and the latter is rule, strength.

From these etymologies, the "polis" is also a homonym to our Filipino "pulis" which is in English police or cops. While the "politikos"sounds and spells just a bit different from our Filipino "pulitiko" which is a person who influences the public in making decision. If he is in the government, he makes decisions concerning about the city or state. It's funny to think that even in that analogy, some things are true. "Pulis" in our country are connected to the government. There are people who get promotion even if he is not worthy to be given a promotion. If you have a "backer" whichis also a "pulitiko" then you can be promoted. Not just in the police department you can use you "backer" but also in work even if you are not that eligible, you can still land a place in work even it's not in a higher office first. No wonder why sometimes government offices are not efficient.

"Demos" is a letter short from demons which is sometimes true when we ponder on some people who are ruling the government. Their vested interest which they sometimes show externally that they are ready to help and serve the common people. I'm not saying that all government officials and servants are like it. It's sad because there are also people who are really honest and heartily giving their service to us.

I just hope that all of these will change. That politics really are the things that concerns the state and the government is where the common people rule, not just a single corrupt "pulitiko"

This is just the beginning, I will share more.
Comments? Suggestions?


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