Here comes ... the premature political ads

I remembered I posted a blog sometimes in 2009, in preparation of 2010 (presedential) elections. I do remember our university was flooded (literally and figuratively) with heavy rains and "heavy" (because they are "big time") politicians.

Out of curiosity I sometimes find my self trying to see what those politicians look like in person and I remembered that I was amazed how thin and how good looking they are in person. Even some politicians claimed that they are from poor families, they have really glowing skins.

You might ask me, "what the hell are you talking about?" you're talking about premature political ads and then you're talking about how they look personally. YES! you're right my dear reader, I was just trying to introduce the concept, i guess that everybody knows it, that not everything we see in the TV is for real. WAIT, not just in TV, but any medium of communication.

My centavo politican opinion about these political is this very simple, if these politicians are "informing" us thru the ads we see or hear, (TAKE NOTE: THEY ARE NOT CAMPAIGNING, YET) they are taking advantage of the position they have. Let's face it, they're masking their INFOMERCIAL by flaunting their achievements they have done while they were on their seats.

My question, will you trust someone who will take advantage and "steal" the time and will not obey the rules by waiting for the right time to campaign?

Let me share to you Luke 16:10 by New Living Translation. Let me use this translation because it really hits the spot.

If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won't be honest with greater responsibilities.

Wait for my next post, I will be posting a very realistic and relatable topic.


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